Thursday, September 20, 2007

Civil rights reporting of past and present

Coverage of the Jena 6 may be found at, with video at:

An excellent history of reporting civil rights may be found here:

Again, I invite you to blog about coverage that you've seen over the past week on this event.


Tara said...

I think the reporting on the Jena 6 story was good but I would have like to see the other side of the situation. I mean how does the white community feel since the town is predominately white, where are their voices. I did see a story where a reporter talked to the guy that got beat up parents but I want to here form him also since he was the victim. Also I think the Jena 6 should have gotten more coverage than it did. The media covered O.J. Simpson it seems more than Jena 6 and so it makes it seem that celebrities are more important than racial issues still showing up in the year 2007. I don't think so. There is still racial discrimination existing and not just in Jena, Louisiana but all across the united States. We need to know more about these issues and be informed of not just some but all and in great detail, like if the story was about a celebrity.

Antwone Coleman-Pace said...

I agree with Tara, but if the media tried to cover more racial issues, it would just be impossible to do simply because there is too much going in today's world. Look how long it took everyone to realize what was going in Jena? I think all states take part in cover ups with the media just so it doesn't make the state look bad and it's really sad that people can easily get away with stuff like that.

Jesse Delgado said...

I believe they focused on the racial injustices more than they did on the whole issue itself. A teen was beaten nearly to death. Bottom line. Sad to say but race is still an issue here in the south.

Tisha said...

I just think it's a shame the way the media portrays certain issues in our society. You would think that our society would handle racial injustice in a better manner. It's a shame that race still plays a role in our society after everything that has happened in the past years. Our society needs to realize that we have so much going on in our world today that should be paid more attention to than race such as the homeless and needy.

Nathaniel said...

It is true that it is a shame the way media portrays certain issues in our society. The media should handle racial issues in a much more civilized manner. We should pay attention to the root course of homelessness and lack of employment in the USA. We should focus on fighting against poverty and creation of employment and equal opportunities for all including electing a black president or a Spanish president or a Chinese president. The White House is a good example of the flame of racism in the united States. Why have we not had a president from the black people or any other minority races? Is that the reason why the so-called “White House” is for, does that mean that only white people can be elected as a president and live in the White House?

What is the solution?