Friday, September 21, 2007

Pressure on Ken Burns for Latino images in "The War"

This documentary airs this week; basic story at:,0,2620347.story

Summary of debate about inclusion of Latino voices, from National Association of Hispanic Journalists:


Jesse Delgado said...

Wonderful to finally see some of my heritage interpreted into the film. This is history, American History. This is all of our history no matter what race we come from. We are all Americans, I just happen to attach Mexican in front of it.

Tara said...

Latino images should be shown and talked about and not just in a negative way. Minorities have been shown as bad images and stereotypes. I believe that blacks, latinos, and whites as weel as all the other races/ethnicities should be shown eaually with good bad and the ugly. War is not the most pleasant images but more images should be shown of everything that happens that people need to know about and see.

Nathaniel said...

I agree with Tara, You should not be surprised to see that most of stories in the media only cover good stories that belong to the white people and "bad" stories for black people, Spanish, Mexicans and other minority races. As we learned in class, you may remember that 90% of media station managers are white people. Well, they have the money and so when it comes to media reports, they favor their white people. Most of bad things that have been done by white people are protected by the media, that is, the media rarely bring such bad stories to the public.
War should be condemned by every reasonable and peace loving person. Do you know that your taxes finance the Iraqi war? The Iraqi war is the root course for high prices of gas and motor oil. Gas prices have gone so high since the Iraqi war. As a result, the US economy has worsened for the past 6 years.
What is the solution?

Tisha said...

I agree with the fact that images of minorities should be discussed on both sides. It is very true that the media only lets society see what they want us to see, which distorts what's really going on in reality today. If our media continues to distort the truth of what's really going on in our present-day society, it will continue to be quite difficult for our society to see an overall improvement in major issues such as crime rate and violence.