Friday, October 12, 2007

Two more links for Friday

Two links from Advertising Age:

Article by Pepper Miller: Is Black Back? African American's Preferences for "Black" vs. "African American"

Column by Bob Garfield on Heineken Draftkeg's sexist commercial


Nathaniel said...

This question “Is Black Back” is a rhetorical question. Black has always been there since the creation of the world, since God created Adam and Eve. There is nothing wrong with the noun “Black.” In fact black is the original color of all colors, No color can be made without the existence of the black color, no wonder black is beautiful. No wonder the father of Soul James Brown told his Negro people to “Say it Loud, I’m Black and I’m Proud!”

The only problem is the fact that white racists perceive the noun black as “evil,” yet black is beautiful. Those who think that black is evil are simply uncivilized, hence, there is no need to spend so much time on this debate whether black is back or not.

We have now seen it in the American culture that black is indeed beautiful and, it is very important to be 100 percent black in the USA political arena. If you claim to be an African American person, you must have 100 percent black blood in your genes, that is, your parents must both have 100 percent black blood from black African ancestors. If you have mixed blood from different races then you are not recognized as a Black person, it means that you are not black enough to claim that you belong to the Black African Race,that’s means that you have no race, hence, the stereotyped society will perceive you as “ the lost generation.” If you are a politician, your political antagonists will use your mixed color as a weakness to campaign against you because they will percieve you as "the lost generation."

It’s a blessing to be born from both parents who have no foreign blood in their genes, whether they are black or white. It’s a curse to be born from mixed blood (Coloreds).
You are better off to just have 100 percent of black blood or 100 percent of white(caucasion ) blood in your body.

However, no skin color is superior over other skin colors, we are all equal and should just love one another and stop racism.

Tara said...

The questions of "Is Black Back" i believe is incorrect to the point of that the word black used as a race or color never really go away. i hear from most of the black race that they call themselves black instead of African American. There are those who considered themselves to be African American but others that i have heard said that they aren't from Africa and don't want to be reered as being an African American but instead be considered as black. I think it is just the preference of how people want to be called. But whether you are black or African American doesn't matter how you claim your self to be, in the end it's all the same.
T. Lewis

Sford02 said...

I didnt see this blog, but the question "Is Black Back" is too much! I understand not wanting to offend anyone, but being "PC" has taken control of our society. Im a educated, loving, BLACK women. If you feel better saying African American, thats fine, but Im black and always have been....better yet Im Human:)