Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some last links for our consideration

We'll wrap up a lot of things this Friday, and I'll look forward to seeing you then for a kind of roundup of ideas and methods that we've talked about this semester. If you like, bring a favorite web link or DVD and we'll make time to show and/or to talk about as many as we can. I'm bringing popcorn for the crowd.

If you get a chance to go to YouTube, here are some key words to use:
"A Girl Like Me," "Unilever," "Dove Onslaught" (we've already looked at this one in class), "Slob Evolution," and "Dove Evolution." Some of these will make you laugh, although the first is a sobering look at the effects of media? society? history? racism?

Interested in or concerned about stereotypes of white males? Click here:

and here, for stereotypes of fathers in general:

In class, we've spoken a bit about smart dads from past decades, including Cliff Huxtable, Ward Cleaver and others, compared to less-than-bright Homer Simpson, Ray Barone, a few WB dads and others. This could make a good study, if you are still casting about for a topic.

bell hooks, a philosophy prof at City College in New York, has interviews up at YouTube and essays on the web, to discuss Spike Lee's work and other issues. You may find her discussions at YouTube by just typing her name, and you may also read her work about depictions of men in film at:

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